
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option :
Question 1.
Once there was a talking fan —
Electrical his chatter.
I couldn’t quite hear what he said
And I hope it doesn’t matter
Because one day somebody oiled
His little whirling motor
And all the mystery was spoiled —
He ran as still as water.
(Page 97)
Word-Notes : Electrical-concerning electricity, बिजली से सम्बंधित। Chatter-babble, बक-बक/चे-चे। Quite-well, ठीक से। It doesn’t matter-It isn’t important, यह महत्वहीन है। Oiled-put in the oil, तेल डाला। Whirling-rotating, चक्कर लगाना। Mystery-enigma, रहस्य। Spoiled-destroyed, नष्ट कर दिया। Still-quietly, चुपचाप।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : एक बार एक बिजली का पंखा था-वह बिजली में ही बक-बक किया करता था। वह क्या कहता था मैं ठीक से सुन नहीं पाता था और मेरा ख्याल है कि इसका कोई महत्त्व नहीं है क्योंकि एक दिन किसी ने इसकी छोटी-सी घूमती हुई मोटर में तेल डाल दिया और सारा रहस्य नष्ट हो गया। अब वह पानी की तरह चुपचाप चलने लगा।

Paraphrase :Once an electric fan began making queer sounds. The poet thought that it was trying to convey some message ; but he could not quite understand what the fan tried to communicate. This mysterious chatting did not matter to him as the disturbing sound could not be heard anymore. This was due to the fact that the fan’s motor was oiled. Now the working of the fan was smooth and quiet.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The fan spoke in
(a) a non-mysterious way
(b) an electric language
(c) whispers
(d) a hasty manner
(b) an electric language

Question 2.
The language of the fan was
(a) simple
(b) understood by electric current
(c) not understood by the poet
(d) simple chatter
(c) not understood by the poet

Question 3.
The ‘mystem, was spoiled when somebody
(a) shook it hard
(b) poured water on it
(c) oiled the motor of the fan
(d) cleaned the fan
(c) oiled the motor of the fan

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan, Study Learner


Working with the Poem

Question 1.
Fans don’t talk, but it is possible to imagine that they do. What is it, then, that sounds like the fan’s chatter ?
The idle boring talk sounds like the ‘fan’s chatter’. Both these sounds can be called ‘clatter’.

Question 2.
Complete the following sentences.
(i) The chatter is electrical because ………………..
(ii) It is mysterious because ……………………..
(i) The chatter is electrical because the fan runs on electricity. Stop the flow of electric current and everything stops.
(ii) It is mysterious because the poet feels that the fan is trying to say something. But what it is, he doesn’t know.

Question 3.
What do you think the talking fan was demanding ?   (Imp.)
The talking fan was demanding oil.

Question 4.
How does an electric fan manage to throw so much air when it is switched on ?
Every moving object disturbs the air around it. It is just like a ship in the water which throws waves of water all around. The fan moves very quickly. The disturbance in the air around is much. So it manages to throw so much airwhen it is switched on.

Question 5.
Is there a ‘talking fan’ in your house ? Create a dialogue between the fan and a mechanic.
Fan : Hello, Mr. Mechanic ! Can you hear me ?
Mechanic : Of course, I do. What is it that you want ?
Fan : That’s for you to find out. I only know that I am feeling restless.
Mechanic : Don’t worry. I’ll put in some oil in your motor and then you will be quite comfortable once again.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan, Study Learner

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