
How To Print Hello World In C Programming In 2 Steps

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Last Updated on July 16, 2021 by Rohitash Kumawat

How To Print Hello World In C Programming In 2 Steps

‘Welcome in Study Learner

Today i will teach you how to write basic program (Hello World) in c

Step 1

Here we will write C programs to display hello world on the screen. In this program we displaying the message using printf function.


#include<stdio.h> //include header file

int main() //main function
{ //body open
body of this program
} //body close

int main()
    //printf() display the string inside quotation
    printf("Hello World");
    return 0;



How will the program work?

  1. include :- The #include is a preprocessor command that tells the compiler to include the contents of stdio.h(standred input and output) file in program.
  2. int main :- Here main() is the function name and int is return type of this function.Every C program must have this function because the execution of program begins with the main() function.
  3. printf() :- printf() is a library function to send formatted output to the screen.
  4. printf(“Welcome in Studylearner”); :-printf() function display the content within double quotes.
  5. retrun 0; :- return 0 means successful execution of main() function.

More program:

1.Print In Multiple Line.
int main()
	printf("Welcome In Study Learner\n");
        // '\n' use for change line
	printf("Learn Code With Study Learner");
        return 0;



2.Print name, data of birth and mobile number.
int main()
	printf("Name:	      John\n");
	printf("DOB:          April 4, 1997\n");
	printf("Mobile:       9988776655");
        return 0;



3. Print Hello World Using Function.
void printname(void)
//printname is a function to print 'Hello World'
	printf("Hello World");
int main()
	printname();  //function call in main function
        return 0;



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