
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 9 Garden Snake

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 9 Garden Snake


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option :
Question 1.
I saw a snake and ran away …
Some snakes are dangerous, they say ;
But mother says that kind is good,
And eats up insects for his food.
(Page 137)
Word-Notes : Dangerous-cause for alarm, खतरनाक। Kind-type, प्रकार। Eats up-consumes, खा जाता है। Insects-worms, कीड़े।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : मैं एक साँप देखकर भाग गया … लोग कहते हैं कुछ साँप खतरनाक होते हैं, ; पर माँ कहती है। कि इस प्रकार का साँप अच्छा होता है, और अपने भोजन-स्वरूप सिर्फ कीड़े खाता है।

Paraphrase : The poet was awe-struck and terribly scared when he saw a snake in the garden. Its sight made him run and escape. People believe that snakes are dangerous ; but his mother told him that the garden snakes were good as they ate up insects.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The poet thought that the snake
(a) was king cobra
(b) could bite and kill him
(c) would chase him
(d) would move towards the mongoose
(b) could bite and kill him

Question 2.
The garden snake
(a) eats insects
(b) lives in the garden
(c) is venomous
(d) is afraid of human beings
(a) eats insects

Question 3.
The mother told him
(a) to stand still
(b) to fight the snake
(c) to hold the snake
(d) not to be afraid
(d) not to be afraid

Question 2.
So when he wiggles in the grass
I’ll stand aside and watch him pass,
And tell myself, “There’s no mistake,
It’s just a harmless garden snake !”
(Page 137)
Word-Notes : Wiggles-wriggles, लहरा कर चलता है। Aside-on one side, एक तरफ। There’s no mistake-I am sure, मुझे पूरा विशवास है। Harmless-innocent, निर्दोश।

हिन्दी अनुवाद : अतः जब वह घास में लहरा कर चलेगा मैं एक तरफ खड़ा होकर उसे जाने दूंगा और स्वयं को बताऊँगा, “मुझे पक्का विश्वास है। कि यह बगीचे वाला एक मासूम साँप है।

Paraphrase : When the garden snake moves in the grass, the poet stands boldly to watch it pass by. But the poet has to tell himself that the garden snakes are harmless as he is still afraid of snakes.


  1.  What is it that wiggles in the grass ?
  2.  Why will the speaker stand aside ?
  3.  Do you think that the speaker is afraid of the snakes ?


  1.  The snake wiggles in the grass.
  2.  The speaker will stand aside so that the snake may pass without seeing him.
  3.  Yes the author is afraid of the snakes. That is why he has to tell himself that it is not

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 9 Garden Snake , Study Learner


Working with the Poem

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) Pick out the line that suggests that the child is afraid of snakes.
(ii) Which line shows a complete change of the child’s attitude towards snakes ? Read it aloud.
(iii) “But mother says that kind is good…” What is mother referring to ?
(i) The line-‘I saw a snake and ran away…’ suggests that the child is afraid of snakes.
(ii) The last line shows a complete change of the child’s attitude towards snakes. “It’s just a harmless garden snake!”
(iii) The mother is referring to the kind of snake the poet had seen.

Question 2.
Find the word that refers to the snake’s movements in the grass.
The word is ‘wiggles’.

Question 3.
There are four pairs of rhyming words in the poem. Say them aloud.
(a) away and say
(b) good and food
(c) grass and pass
(d) mistake and snake.

Question 4.
A snake has no legs or feet, but it moves very fast. Can you guess how ? Discuss in the group.
It twists its body like a spring and is so able to move fast.
Note. Please make your own guess too.

Question 5.
Can you recall the word used for a cobra’s long sharp teeth ? Where did you come across this word first ?
Cobra’s long sharp teeth are called fangs. First of all I came across this word in the poem ‘Snake’.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 9 Garden Snake , Study Learner

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